Business Interests

Our team at AOE, led by Dr. Eric W. Lucas and Mr. Robert G. Schmier, has decades of  experience, designing, testing, and producing innovative RF and antenna technologies,  intended for a variety of uses. In the past our technologies have been used on high  profile projects such as the Lockheed F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightening II. Today they  can be found in a diverse collection of radar, communication, SIGINT and direction finding applications. 

Commercial, DoD & Military Customers Include: 

  • Army, Navy & the Air Force 
  • National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) 
  • Northrop Grumman Corporation 
  • Boeing 
  • Ball Aerospace 
  • Cobham 
  • BAE 
  • Motorola 
  • Jacobs/KEYW 
  • TRW 
  • Parsons
  • Other Small & Classified Organizations